Psychotherapy Counselling and Coaching
with Lucy Solymar
Psychotherapy, counselling and coaching improves peoples’ lives - sometimes dramatically so. I have seen this happen time and again for my clients and I’ve experienced it myself.
My clients usually come to me when they are struggling in some way. It might be with work, parenting, marriage, health, divorce or bereavement, for example. Often life changes and these times of transition are painful and overwhelming. They throw up practical and philosophical questions like:
Am I living life the way I want to?
Why do I keep getting stuck on certain things?
How do I become unstuck?
Ultimately, our meetings are about finding possibilities. Clients end up understanding old things in new ways with different results. How do we do that? We ask questions to explore your understanding of your world and your relationships. Therapy is a conversation that is serious, heart-felt, supportive, challenging, involves much more laughing than clients expect and sometimes it is painful and sad.